Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Sunday, May 31, 2009

NaDia (SuBaNg JaYa)...

Nadia ordered these Pink & White Cuppies on-behalf of her brother (to give it to her GF)... auuwww... SWEETNESS aite!!! I'm so glad to be surrounded by people with lots of LOVE!!! I believe Love can change the world... not Money... not Power... Just LOVE... ;@)


  1. sweeet nyeer kalerrr.. suke pink n putih nih.. bagus2 trus mempraktikkan apa yg dipelajari..hihihihi..

  2. can be better kan kak alice... ni wat atas paper liner cup, so mencabar sket... if solo cup banyak leh cover... yg ni kena xtra careful... hikhik...
