Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Saturday, May 30, 2009

ICCA - WMCD - CouRSe 2 LeSSoN 4 (gRaDuaTioN DaY)...

Woooohhooooooo..... I finally graduated my Course 2 with errr.... Flying Colors shall i say!!! Why??? Bcoz i have more knowledge in decorating (plus tips & tricks) which is very useful for my biz... (the Royal Icing Flower collections really helps as it looks gorgeous on either cupcakes or whole cakes)... Then the Basket Weave + Rope Border really makes a cake looks presentable... Not forgetting using Color Flow mix to create 'alive' features... NICE... Well can't wait to enroll Course 3... Tiered Cake... ;@)


  1. bestnyer...congratulations Mieza..may yur business prosper and all yur dreams come true...insyaallah

  2. tqvm zue... i wish d best 4 u 2 dear... Amin...
    see.... who said housewife can't do other things besides than house chores kan??? bravo to us... ;-p
