Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Saturday, May 9, 2009

eiJa - BaBy sHoWeR

It's a BOY...!!! Congratulations to Azniza @ Eija & hubby from... errr... Sri Kembangan?? Ampang?? or TTDI??? Sorry dear... I'm confused bout your whereabouts as there are so many places that u mentioned to me earlier.. Hehehe... sowi... ;@)
Anyway... i'm sure u both are really eager, anxious n excited at d same time waiting for d arrival of your little ones nxt week... I wish u all d best & hope that u have a smooth delivery & an enjoyable moment as parent soon!!! Oh ya, and thanks for the order too!!!
Vanilla Cupcakes + Fondant


  1. jelessss.. cantik nye.. bila la ak dpt belajar buat nih...

  2. hikhik.... ni blajar ngan lynn la kak... mmg membantu sgt2... ;@)

  3. tq tq tq :) i'm from keramat. hubby from ttdi :p

    i really appreciate the coincidental u are available to accept my 24hours notice ye!!

    beli ye :)
