Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Thursday, September 17, 2009

iT's BLaCk... iT's wHiTe... ;@)

Another Festive order from Jasmine Sutinah... (She 1st ordered a Buka Puasa cake on 1st day of Ramadhan)... and now here's her order for an advanced Hari Raya Gathering with her family...
When she forwarded the sample picture, i was extatic and excited but nervous on the same time coz i'm afraid that i can't be able to follow exactly like what she expected... Further more the attachment cake is covered with Fondant, while i'm doing it with Buttercream... (that explains the 'spreadness' of the black ink on the cake)...
But all in all, am satisfied with what i've delivered and i hope Jasmine and her family loves it too... TQ for your order again Jasmine... ;@)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"RaYa sPeCiaL - HaMPeR"

My dearest Kak Sue @ Shila ordered these as part of her Hari Raya Hamper Gifts to one of her customer. Yup.... She and another partner opened up a Business dealing with Events, Supplies, Catering, Door Gifts & Treats, Selling Outfits, Accessories and many more... Good biz during Hari Raya eh Kak Sue??? Nice doing biz wt u too... ;@)
Here are 2 sets of "Hari Raya Special" Cuppies in Window Boxes + Gold Ribbon)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"BuGz LiFe"

For one of my regular & loyal customer (hehehe... ) - SUZI... It's for her dearest hubby's B'day. And the theme ---> Bugs in The Garden... Has anyone ever seen Ladybug Green in colour??? Well, if u don't, you'll find it in MY GARDEN... hahaha... ;@)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

"SuMMeR LoVe"

These Bright & Lovely cuppies are for Joyce (Astro) who alwiz adores something nice & sweet treats for her darling hubby... ;@)

Colour combinations are specially requested by the owner to create a Cheerful yet Romantic mode... hehehe... Nice!!! TQVM Joyce. Keep all the great ideas coming ya... ;o)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

sWiRL... sWiRL... sWiRL... ;@)

These are for Cynthia - my ex-colleague from MAS... I remember when we did a flight to London back in 2006 or 2007, i can't remember exactly. The 5 of us (all girls) went 'WINDOW SHOPPING' from Piccadilly Circus (Flea Market, Lily White) to Oxford Street in the chill winter weather of UK (whch part of UK doesn't???). We ended up feeling damn hungry and tired after half of d day walking, On n Off Buses, while yickyacking non-stop. We have to settled for Fried Chicken + Chips & Pizza by the street's side in Oxford (no fancy restaurant as all d money goes to the "WINDOW SHOPPING ITEMS cashier")... LOL... ;@)
That was 'Those Days', now both of us took an 'Early Retirement' from flying as we've settled down by getting married to our luv one's and Cynthia and hubby are blessed with their new family member - Adorable Baby Qievern, 3 mths old... Congrats 2 u babe... And thanks a lot for your order here... I myself lurve d simple yet elegant design... (adopted from my collection of Catherine Nah's order with different topper)... ;@)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

SuRaU BaiTuRRaHMaN - PutRa HeigHtS

Made these for Surau Baiturrahman's Iftar or Moreh some called it... In simple words - Berbuka Puasa. But the term Moreh is more suitable as it means Breaking Fast followed by Performing Maghrib, Isya' and Tarawikh prayers together (Jama'ah)... ;@)

Monday, September 7, 2009


Salam and Hello everyone...
Miss me??? Hahaha... It has been awhile since i last updated this blog... Soooooo SORRY peeps... My Laziness has strucked once again... plus i was so occupied with never ending things lately... with Ramadhan preparations, 'Buka Puasa' invitations, 'Balik Kampung' (Hubby's), mini-shopping and not forgetting - orders too... ;@)
Nope... am not complaining... Just explaining! Alritey then... let me sort out what to update 1st and the rest will follow accordingly. Hope everything goes smoothly and i don't miss out any entry... The updates starts from 25/08/09 entry (Ramadhan Al-Mubarak) till 07/09/09 or todate!!!
Till then, take care y'all... and enjoy... ;@)
- mieza -

TaPaU... ;@)

Made some for hubby who alwiz luv to 'Tapau' cuppies for flight... I normally just frosted d cake with topping i.e Buttercream or Ganache, but this time i decorate it a little so it looks appetising enough to be eaten... bwahahahaha... Luv u alwiz baby... ;@)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

"sPRiNg BLooM"

For my lovely Nadia Fauzi... Who ordered these on behalf of her brother (to give it to his GF... wink*wink*... LOL... ;@)
was the one introducing the "Springfield" design that i made for her and few others (who also requested to have the same design for their cuppies after seeing Nadia's)... Thanks dear... ;p
For these cuppies, she requested to have Purple and Pink "Springfield"... I changed the base colour to Purple and Pink and maintained the Colourful Designs... So now i named it "SPRING BLOOM" coz it's softer and sweet... ;@)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

I MaDe aPPLe PiE... ;@)

Have any of you heard that A.P.P.L.E.S (Green in particular) help prevent from diseases??? Basically all fruits are good and have it's own benefits in a form of prevention, protects, blocks, controls, stabilizes, support, lowers, combats, strengthens, battles, promotes... and the list goes on and on... I recently received an email saying that Green Apple helps prevent from H1N1. It acts as a booster to your body and organ (heart). Hope it's true!!!

So... the very nxt day, i dragged hubby to the supermarket and bought a bag (bout 18pcs) of Green Apples... Bwahahahaha.... Reached home, i washed and peeled off the skins and blended 6pcs to make my myself Apple Juice... Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... Ate few and d rest stays in my fridge for almost a week... wakakakakaka.... (very the 'hangat2 taik ayam')...

But i decided not to waste it. Since it's still fresh, i took it out from the fridge, washed and peeled it off (again) and GOOGLED for Apple Pie Recipes... Step 1... Step 2... Step 3... and TADAAAAAAAAAAA..... My 1st Trial of Apple Pie - Successful... yeeeeehhaaaaa..... ;@)

Brought it to my aunt's place for Buka Puasa Dessert

Friday, September 4, 2009

"RaYa sPeCiaL"... ;@)

PROMOTION STARTS FROM 1st RAMADHAN (22/08/09) till 30th SYAWAL (19/10/09)
(call now 012-3858348 to place your orders)
Cupcakes Flavour - Moist Chocolate or Vanilla
Topping - Chocolate Ganache & Buttercream

Size - XS (Mini) (1 oz)
16 pcs - RM 25.00 (normal RM 28.00)
25 pcs - RM 33.00 (normal RM 35.00)
36 pcs - RM 43.00 (normal RM 45.00)
49 pcs - RM 53.00 (normal RM 55.00)

Size - S (2 oz)

9 pcs - RM 18.00 (normal RM 21.00)
16 pcs - RM 28.00 (normal RM 31.00)
25 pcs - RM 40.00 (normal RM 45.00)
36 pcs - RM 55.00 (normal RM 60.00)
49 pcs - RM 73.00 (normal RM 75.00)

Size - M (2.5 oz)

9 pcs - RM 23.00 (normal RM 25.00)
16 pcs - RM 38.00 (normal RM 40.00)

25 pcs - RM 55.00 (normal RM 58.00)
36 pcs - RM 78.00 (normal RM 80.00)
49 pcs - RM 98.00 (normal RM 100.00)

Size - L (3 1/4 oz)
9 pcs - RM 30.00 (normal RM 33.00)
16 pcs - RM 50.00 (normal RM 53.00)
25 pcs - RM 70.00 (normal RM 73.00)
36 pcs - RM 95.00 (normal RM 98.00)
49 pcs - RM 120.00 (normal RM 123.00)