Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Monday, June 29, 2009

eMMa - tRipLe sWeEtNeSs...

EMMA ordered 3 sets of Cakes for her children's Burfday Celebration... 1st was for Eisya (Farisya) - the eldest. It's a Mermaid Cake... When she asked me whether or not i can make such cake (3D), i said i'm not sure coz i'm not that good in modelling figurine using fondant... But after she forwarded the picture, i was relieved... Ok... This i can make!! Using Barbie Doll & paste fondants to 'her' body for the scales & top (bra)... Hahaha... ;p
The 2nd cake was for Ammar (the youngest) who loves BEN 10... Nothing much to be done as i used Edible Image for the cake... Poured Chocolate Ganache as the topping, stick the Edible Image & decorate it with Buttercream + Fondant (for the alphabets).
Last but not least - 50 pcs of Chocolate Chip Muffins for the guests...


Sunday, June 28, 2009

KuNgFu FigHtiNg - tRiBuTe tO bRuCe LeE...

From JOYCE for her BELOVED HUBBY'S B'DAY... He is a 'die-hard fan' of BRUCE LEE... So Joyce forwarded me a few pics/images of Bruce Lee for Edible Image printing... I luv Edible Image order... Just cut it out, paste it on d cuppies n a simple decoration piping. That's it... But i'll try to figure what other creative ways i can discover in order to make Edible Image decorations more interesting!!! HAPPY BURFDAY JOYCE'S HUBBY... ;@)

ICCA - WMCD - CoURsE (LeSsoN 3)

Date: 27/06/09
We continued making more Royal Icing flowers using Lily Nail this week. Easter Lily, Poinsettia, Petunia & Morning Glory. Then came the Tiered Cake Construction... How to assemble Stacked Cake or using Push-In Pillar. Pre-Lesson for our Graduation next week... ;@)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

HaPpY BuRfDaY SuE HuSSiN...

Kak Sha's (Shasha Arieza)
special treat for her Best Friend's Forever (BFF) Burfday... SUE HUSSIN... Sowi, can't make it to d party Kak Sha & Kak Sue... But anyhow, glad that u guys had a gud time meeting up wt d rest plus most important... u guys lurve d cuppies... Hugs & Kisses... xoxoxoxo... ;@)

Friday, June 26, 2009

'My MuFFiN'... sYiReeN... ;@)

My 'Pillow-Pillow Muffin' (her nickname) ordered 100 pcs of Chocolate Chip & Blueberry Muffins for her sister's in-law's wedding... Each muffin are placed in Individual Plastic Container with Dome Lid (2)... Cute eh...!!! Thanks a lot beb... ;@)

Chocolate Chip Muffins

Blueberry Muffins

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

aKHMaR (aStRo) - BeN 10...

Happy 3rd Burfday ADAM... Sori lambat ye Akhmar... Cian kena tunggu... Salah tgk timing la... ;-p. Pastu my 'driver' ikut speed limit la plak!!! Nak jd pemandu berhemah pun salah tempat... hikhikhik... ;@)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

FoNDaNt CaKe... ;@)

I made this u know... ;@)

ICCA - WMCD - CouRSe 3 (Lesson 2)

Saturday - 20/07/09

Working with Fondant - This lesson covered - How to cover a cake with rolled fondant, smoothen it using tools given (Fondant Smoother + ... err.. your palm), The Fondant Rose (Pt. 2) & Fondant Package Cake (Curlicues, Bow & Streamers, Flower Cut-Outs & Assembling the Cake... I love to work with Fondant now... Can't wait to enroll nxt. course on Fondant & Gumpaste... ;@))
White & Delphinium Blue Rose Center

Rose Center, Rose Bud, Medium Bloom Rose
(not in pic: Full Bloom Rose)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

NaDia FauZi - sWeeT LaSs...

When Nadia forwarded the sample design of these cuppies, i was attracted to it's colour combinations... Purple, Maroon-ish Pink, Soft Yellow & White... ONE WORD - SWEET!!!
Then it has simple Flower Designs with unique Vines. Not forgetting small Sugarpaste Flowers...
TQVM Nadia for your loyalty and most important your TRUST towards me to keep making cakes for you..... xoxoxo... ;@)

Friday, June 19, 2009

18 SX... CuPPieS... ;@)

I made these cuppies specially for my BEST FREN'S Bachelorette Party... (There are 10 of us - very best buddies since school, but only half that are really2 attached till now)...
She's our last 'Sister' to get married... and bcoz of that, we planned to make it the most memorable time in our lives as best friends... We planned everything well. Starting from d Bachelorette Party (we had a blast celebration in Bijou, Mont Kiara) to the Solemnisation to the 1st Reception and to the 2nd Reception. We even have our own theme colour for both Receptions, hiring a photographer just for us and what else??? We got it all covered..
Just 1 thing that made me worried now... Am i going to get BANNED for uploading these '18SX-'BLUE'-CUPPIES'??? I hope so not... I tried to put 'CENSORED' wording on it, but it doesn't seems to be working... Anybody knows how??? Teach me plssssss..... ;@)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

YaTtY (aStRo)... FatHeR's RuLeZzz!!!

From Nurul to Ayah... "I LUV U, AYAH"...
What can i think of when talking bout Daddy, Dad, Father, Papa, Pop, Ayah, Abah, Baba...??? A lot actually... but i can't show it all in this cuppies though... (due to the space constraint)... hahaha!!! Anyway... a Tie, Football & Hammer + Nails do the talking this time. Hope u like it Nurul & Ibu/Mama/Mak/Mummy Yatty... But most important, hope your Ayah like it even more... ;@)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

ICCA - WMCD - CoUrSe 3

13/06/09 - Lesson 1
I really looking forward to do this course... ;@)... WHY??? Bcoz it will teach me more about Fondant & Gumpaste Flowers + assembling Tiered Cake (Stacked or Push-In Pillar Construction)... I've learned how to assemble stacked cake from 1 of d classes (outside class) that i attended, so my main goal this time will be Pillar assembling...
Nothing much in Lesson 1, still on Piping Techniques with more details. Cornelli Lace, Sotaz & Bead Border, Stringworks & Borders (Ruffle Border & Garland) and not forgetting Brush Embroidery Technique (gentle brushstrokes on icing)... ;@)

Course 3 Student Kit - more tools yeayy!!
L - Bead Border, Cornelli Lace & Sotaz
R - Multiple & Overlapping Drop String

L - Ruffle Border & Ruffle Garland
R - Brush Embroidery

Monday, June 15, 2009

PauSeD... ;@)

Hehehehehehehehehehe...... hi again everyone!! Sorry for taking such a LOOOONNNGGGG paused... Laziness has strucked me to update this blog... I took a good quality rest after d 2 weeks back-2-back orders...
Then, there are a lot of things going on - my Course 3 (with ICCA), family matters, Genting short-breakie and bla... bla... bla... ;@)
Anyway, i'll update u peeps soon (still have few more thing to be settled) plus new orders comin' up... Bare with me guys............. ;@)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

FisHa - cHoCoLaTe iNDuLGeNCe...

Fisha's order came all d way from Penang... When she e-mailed me putting her order, i thought she got mistaken on my whereabout... I text her telling that i'm based in Subang Jaya, Selangor while she's in Penang... Then, she said "Yup, i know... but actually i'll be in KL during that (this) weekend (07-06-09)... Can u take my order?". Owh ic... that explains.. Sure will, why not my dear!!!
I like doing her order coz it's all about CHOCOLATES!!! She wants 16 pcs of Moist Chocolate Cupcake + Chocolate Ganache Topping... How nice is that??? Then came to the decorating: She wants as-simple-as-it-can designs... Lucky me!!! And tadaaaaaaa...... reason why i like decorating on Ganache Topping: It will surely looks nice coz of d colour contrast!!!
TQVM Fisha... and good luck for your interview k gurl... ;@)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

YuHaNiS (aStRo) - HaGeMaRu & sPoNgE BoB...

She gave all the details + plus her budget & d rest..... it's up 2 me... I'm loving this simple life... HOHOHO... TQ for all your trust Kak Yuhanis... ;@)
1st she asked whether i can hand-drawn the cakes coz she's not really into Edible Images... If i can't than she said i can proceed with it (the Edible Images)... I said... why not!!! Hey, this is d time where i can practise my art skill isn't it??? Hubby's not to sure bout it but after the 'Simpsons' order, he kind of... saying "ooooookkaaaaayyyy.... if u said so that u can do it"; let see what will it look like.... And since then, he was d one being so excited and can't wait to see d outcome... He forced me to finished it by last nite... but i said i couldn't push myself any further... I baked 4 orders back-to back non-stop.... so imagine how's my back doing?? Till this morning when he's off to work, he kept reminding me to finished it soon, so i won't be so 'kelam-kabut' n late for delivery... Okay... okay... i get it!!!
Owh... i tried out my new 'Book Pan'... Looks cool eh??? Other steps, 1st - I Googled pictures of Hagemaru & Sponge Bob... 2nd - I traced it onto baking sheet... 3rd - I out-lined it wt Piping Gel... 4th - I transferred it onto d frosted cake... 5th - I out-lined it again wt dark coloured icing... 6th & finally - I filled it up wt colours & decos... AND..... wallahhhhhh....... ;@)
My 'Hand-Drawn' Hagemaru Cake

Then, i also baked 25 pcs of Mini size cuppies in Sponge Bob pictures (also Hand-Drawn)... It really test my patients as i have to draw it on a very2 small & confined space (1.5")... Fuhhhh... Salute Me!!!
Kak Yuhanis, hope u r satisfied with both d Cake & Cupcakes ya.... HAPPY BURRFFFDDDAAAYYY DEAREST NUR HANI SYAZRIEN!!!
My also 'Hand-Drawn' Sponge Bob Cuppies

Friday, June 5, 2009

NaDia FauZi - 'SecReT GaRDeN'...

Order 3 - with sample: From my regular & valued customer Nadia (this is her 3rd order within a month time)... TQVM my dear... And this time it's for her beloved mom... A custom made cake just for her... SWEET NYER...
She wants a similar looking cake without the accessories on top of it. So i replaced it with flowers instead. That's why i called it with such name - 'Secret Garden' coz it looks like a garden don't u think???
When she forwarded d attachment... I was thrilled & excited to do it coz: 1st... the cake is high not flat like a normal cake... 2nd... d colours are so sweet (but forgive me, i couldn't find any sweet coloured gumpaste flowers... so my version is 'BRIGHT')... and 3rdly... i can practise all d knowledge that i learned from all d classes that i attended so far... which was... quite a number... ;@)
The attachment sample

The Cake