Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Sunday, May 31, 2009

MoLy - SeSaMe'S sTReeT...

My dearest gurl-fwen order for her eldest son (Afiq)'s Belated Burrfffddaaaayyy... It's d mini size Cuppies in Choc. Moist flavour... Thanks Gurl... & Happy Belated B'day Abang Afiq... Hugs & Kisses from auntie... ;@)

NaDia (SuBaNg JaYa)...

Nadia ordered these Pink & White Cuppies on-behalf of her brother (to give it to her GF)... auuwww... SWEETNESS aite!!! I'm so glad to be surrounded by people with lots of LOVE!!! I believe Love can change the world... not Money... not Power... Just LOVE... ;@)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

ICCA - WMCD - CouRSe 2 LeSSoN 4 (gRaDuaTioN DaY)...

Woooohhooooooo..... I finally graduated my Course 2 with errr.... Flying Colors shall i say!!! Why??? Bcoz i have more knowledge in decorating (plus tips & tricks) which is very useful for my biz... (the Royal Icing Flower collections really helps as it looks gorgeous on either cupcakes or whole cakes)... Then the Basket Weave + Rope Border really makes a cake looks presentable... Not forgetting using Color Flow mix to create 'alive' features... NICE... Well can't wait to enroll Course 3... Tiered Cake... ;@)

Friday, May 29, 2009

SaLiNa (aStRo) - BiRtHDaY n aNNiVeRSaRy...

The B'day Cuppies is for her Mom... Requested for Pink, Red n White Theme with HEARTS & FLOWERS... I kinda like d colour combination... So bright & lovely... ;@)

And as for the Anniversary Cuppies... It's for her own with darling hubby. celebrating their 8th Wonderful Years together... CONGRATULATIONS SALINA & HUBBY (NAWIE)... Semoga berkekalan sehingga ke akhir hayat... Amin...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

aYu (aStRo) - MeN's RuLeS

Ayu's 2nd order... But this time it's for her 'Pet-Brother'... hehehe... CUTE!!! She wants anything that got to do with men's stuff + not forgetting her HEARTS - lots of 'em... What can i think of??? Well... hope this is good enough... ;@)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

PatRiCk (aStRo) - tHe SiMPSoNs....

Patrick wants any design that is not in d blog.... Soooooo.... I came up with...... tadaaaaaaaa.... THE SIMPSONS FAMILY..... Homer, Marge, Bard, Lisa & Maggie... (not in the pic - grandpa Simpsons - Abe @ Abraham)... Hope he likes it... Do you Patrick???... ;@)

And as for these... It's for Patrick's daughter... She wanted to bring something for her teachers during their Teacher's Day Celebration... Such a sweet thought dear... ;@)

Vanilla Cuppies + Buttercream

In Individual Casing wt Dome Lid (2)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

JoYCe (aStRo) - eLMo N CoOKiE MoNsTeR...

It's for her..... errrr..... niece?? nephew??'s 1st B'day... and d cuppies were brought to Cheras (if i'm not mistaken) for a ceremony called.... (what is it called Joyce???) organized by the lil' toddler's family... Hope everything went smooth... TQ JOYCE for your order & TQVM for the TQ CARD... I luv it... ;@)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

ICCA - WMCD CoUrSe 2 - LeSsoN 3

Lesson 3 (23/05/09) - Today we learned about Decorations in Bloom... errr... basically flowers and more flowers... Victorian Rose, Daisy, Daffodil, Pansy and Primrose. Also a 'sneak-peak' of nxt week's Lesson - piping Basketweave (plus our Final/Graduation Day). I really had a gud time piping those beautiful, colorful and striking flowers... ;@)


Victorian Rose & Daisy

Pansy & Primrose

Daffodil (Left)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

NaDiA FauZi - SuBaNg JaYa

Ordered by Miss Nadia Fauzi for 'makan2'... Hehehe... Requested for Pink, Purple & White theme... Oh ya, and i 'stole' some flowers that i made for my class assignment and put it onto her cuppies... wink*wink* (luckily i made lots of extras)... TQVM NADIA... ;@)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

sHaHRoM - aLaM MeGaH, sHaH aLaM...

Ordered by Shahrom, a friend of my cuz-in-law from Shah Alam... It was for her Gurlfren's birthday... aaauuuuwwwww.... Sooooooo sweeeetttttt... Hubby never did that for me though... huhuhu ;-(
But anyway, THANK U VERY MUCH SHAHROM... He even offered to advertise my biz to others... How nice is that... THANK U AGAIN MY DEAR... Nanti kalau jadi, akak bg komisyen kay... hehehe.... ;@)

Monday, May 18, 2009

ICCA - WMCD - CouRSe 2 (LeSSoN 2 16/05/09)

2nd Lesson of Course 2 after an 'Off Day' last week (09/05/09) - Wesak Day... In the end of Lesson 1, we learned how to mix Royal Icing as a preparation for our 2nd Lesson which we will be making flowers out of it...

We did Rose Bud + Calyx and Mums (Chrysanthemum) the last time and as for the continuation, we made Apple Blossom, Violet & Violet Leaf which turned out to be 'VEWY PWETTY' & 'VEWY HANDY' for me coz i gotta put in onto my Cupcakes Order the very nxt day. Hahaha.... ;@)

We also get to learned on a new technique called 'COLOR FLOW'. It's for decorating designs using a Color Flow Mix (similar to Meringue Powder Mix wt an additional of Whipping Aid), where we mixed & thin it with water till it come to the right consistency for us to fill it up in our designs... Cool stuff coz u will get a 2D effect on your designs...

Apple Blossom (Pink), Violet (Violet/Purple) & Violet Leaf (Green)

Decorating using Color Flow Mix